I've picked up a part-time job and have managed to replicate myself yet again. :o) Now a somewhat working mother of 4, I also decided that I needed to start some sort of exercise regimen before my entire body resembled something along the lines of a deflated balloon filled with molasses, so I took up running. Yeah.....
So why am I starting this back up now, you ask? I need an outlet! Running is great, but at this point in time, it's more like something I do to torture myself rather than something I enjoy. If I have time to read these days I pick up my latest small group study book or whatever parenting book I've stumbled upon hoping to find the answers to the things that perplex me most about the smallest members of my household. Writing has long helped me figure stuff out, even if it just seems to be babble to the people who read it. I'm hoping it still holds that power.
So, here I am, once again. Obsessing over what I want to say and exactly how to say it (Did I mention I'm a bit of a perfectionist? This is also therapy. :o) ). Perhaps this time I'll give myself a break and hit "publish post" more often than I hit the taunting corner "x"....time will tell!