Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder! Come on down! You're what's been making my son act like that all this time! Now step right up here and see what you've won..... :-/
It's official now that the tests have all been performed and the results are in. After all this time and all the conditions that were speculated at one time or another, I finally feel like we're getting somewhere. My now 6 year old son has ADHD. "Classic ADHD symptoms in a highly intelligent child." Says the Doc, to be exact. OK, so we figured it what?
A couple more doctor appointments to go and we should have that figured out too. There may even be some "training" involved for my husband and I as to how to best parent our son. Now there's something no one ever tells you growing up! "One day you'll have children of your own and then you'll have to take a class on how to raise them because, well, you'll most likely botch it up if left on your own." Sad thing's TRUE! I've never felt more lost and clueless in my life than I have parenting all 4 of my children, not just my son. What if I get in there and the Docs look at me and say "My word, Lady! It all makes sense now!" Oh, my stomach is flip-flopping just thinking about it.
It's not that I think I'm a terrible parent, it's just that I can't shake the thought that I could somehow be responsible, in some part, for my son's troubles. Docs say maybe genetics, maybe not, but what if it's due in part to nurture? I can not tell you how many times I have been in these meetings with doctors where they describe some behavior of my son's and I think "I do/think/feel/say the same thing.". What if I've unknowingly taught my child the same strange things that plague my own mind? Yikes..... I've heard it said before that having a child is like have a mirror follow you around all day that reflects all your flaws. If you have kids, you know exactly what who ever said that is talking about. Scary.
At any rate, we're moving ahead and, despite my own insecurities about myself, I feel as if there are better days ahead. If this is true and ADHD is really what is happening....if we can get him treatment that can help him focus and cope with everyday situations....if my husband and I can learn how to help our son grow into all he was meant to be, well, then those are about the best days I can ask for. :O)
A diagnosis, in of itself, is a relief. At least now you know what you are dealing with and will hopefully be able to get the best treatment/instructions to help him. Personally, I think every parent could benefit from classes on how to handle their children...after having them for awhile. There is no way you could know the right questions to ask BEFORE you actually have had some experience as a parent. Good for you for seeking help.
ReplyDeleteThanks. :o) It IS a relief to have a direction to go in, and it certainly isn't the worse thing they could have told me! Now comes more research and choosing what we hope to be the best possible treatment. Hopefully we'll figure that out soon so we can get him on his way! Thanks for reading and commenting!