Monday, April 20, 2009

What was that all about?

Tonight my wonderful husband took the two oldest kids to a friend's house for a meeting we go to every week. Our friends have an 18 month old son who is always there. Boos plays with the boy just like she does every child but The Chabbles is terrified of him! Now, when I say terrified, that is exactly what I mean. He screams whenever the boy comes near and, even after the boy goes down into the basement to play, The Chabbles sits upstairs rocking in a rocking chair and covering his ears. To make things even stranger, the second The Chabbles leaves their home, he talks about the boy as if they were best friends.

Am I missing something here?!? I know that The Chabbles is only 3 and rational, adult thought patterns can not be applied to him. The only thing I can think of is that the first time he met the boy, the boy let out an ear piercing scream for one reason or another (18 month olds have a bad habit of doing that) and that scared The Chabbles who is not fond of loud noises. Could Chabs still be holding a "grudge"? He hears screaming all day long and he doesn't react that way; what is different about this boy? Maybe it's just a ploy to get us to leave our friend's home?

This really baffles me. I've tried asking him why he is so afraid of this little boy, but I get nowhere. Have you ever heard of or dealt with something like this?

1 comment:

  1. Never heard of something like this before-but I think you should record it and submit it to America's Funniest Home Videos and put the winnings into college funds for the two kids. :0)

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