Thursday, October 4, 2012

Great Idea! Part 1

I'm starting a series that will show up intermittently on this blog. I shall call it: 

Great Idea!

It has a certain ring to it, don't you think? :O) The purpose is to share some great ideas (hence the name) that I discover to hopefully benefit others as well. Sometimes they'll be my ideas, sometimes they'll be someone else's. I'll give credit to whomever I got the idea from, of course, so if you have one to share, send it my way! Here we go!

Great Idea! Part 1

Back when I was cloth diapering my girls (Yes, I quit. No, I don't want to hear your opinion on that.), I came up with a way to help with all the #2 without having to use multiple cloth wipes to do so (or disposables for that matter). Now that I'm back to disposable diapers for my last child, I still find this extremely useful and so I will share it with you!

Isn't that beautiful?!? Well, maybe that's a stretch but it has proven very useful when the doodoo arrives. With cloth diapers it's obviously helpful as the toilet paper is flush-able so, when possible, you can shake the solids along with the tp right into the toilet and flush. Voila! With disposables it is the same concept, however, I've found that a lot of people who use disposables just wrap up the waste in the diaper and toss it into the pail. No! Whenever possible shake the solids into the toilet before wrapping up that poop sack and dropping it in the Champ. It's better for the environment (Yes, so are cloth diapers, but I have my reasons!!) and it helps keep some of the stink at bay. It's also cheaper than using just baby wipes or flush-able wipes as I find I don't use as  many with this method.

Another benefit is that I always have a "tissue" handy when the kids have a runny nose on the changing table or in the middle of the night. This way I don't have to go into the bathroom or keep a separate tissue box on their dresser and when I'm done with it, into the diaper pail it goes! Huzzah!

That's it! That's my first Great Idea. At least I think it's great. I'm sure I'm not the first person to have thought this up, but I had not seen it done before so I have no one else to credit but myself. Well done, Self.

Do you use this at home? Have you found it to be helpful? Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks for reading!

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