Sunday, September 23, 2012

What the......What?

As I sit here in yet another Starbucks waiting on a good friend of mine, I'm reminded of the last time I was in a Starbucks. What a strange situation I found myself in there....*cue wavy line thingys*

My 5 year old daughter attended a birthday party at one of those indoor bouncy house places. You know the sort, giant rooms with several different inflatable bouncy jungle gyms for kids to break their neck or catch scarlet fever on. They're glorious.

But I digress. My mom and I picked her up from the party and decided that, since we wanted some Starbucks, we would treat her to Starbucks as well. After all, she had just been loaded up on sugar and adrenaline, by all means, let's keep this buzz going. (Just a pun, it was never my intention to caffeinate my child!) So we located the nearest store and headed in that direction.

I have never even looked to see if they sold drinks for kids at Starbucks before, but I figured they would have some sort of juice so I felt confident. As I approached the counter I asked if they had apple juice (my girl didn't want any hot chocolate or cider and she despises all kinds of milk) and the woman directed me to the cold case which was, in fact, devoid of any kind of juice at all. I informed her of the situation and she agreed to give her a small cup of apple juice from their private stash at a reasonable rate. Hooray! We would all be appeased and enjoy Starbucks together on this glorious late summer day. We shuffled over (that's all you can do with an over-tired 5 year old, shuffle)  to the tiny waiting area in this, the tiniest 'Bucks I've ever seen, and waited patiently.

Some time later our name is called and we receive our beverages. We stop to organize at the sugar table and  I reach for the cup that must be my daughter's apple juice, as it is the smallest one. It is hot. I think I've grabbed my chai tea latte by mistake and grab the much larger cup which I now believe to contain the apple juice. It too, is hot. What? Perhaps we got someone else's drink by mistake? I opened the lid to the smaller cup and it is frothy....did they just serve my 5 year old a latte? It smells like apple juice so I take a sip, and yes, it is apple juice. HOT apple juice. Weird, right? I tell my daughter it's like hot apple cider and try to talk it up. She is not impressed. So I tell the barrista that I had no idea they planned to heat the apple juice and asked if I could have a cup of ice to pour it over. She rolled her eyes and adamantly stated "I wouldn't do that." question to her is "Why not?". Ms. Rolly Eyes is now thoroughly irritated and insists on just giving us an entirely new, unheated cup of juice. We simply cannot salvage the heated juice. Not in her Starbucks. Not on her watch. *cue wavy line thingys again*

Am I the only one who finds this so totally odd? Has this ever happened to anyone else? Should I have assumed that because the juice was ordered from a coffee shop that it should most definitely be delivered hot? I am at a loss. It's certainly not the most Earth shattering event and it doesn't even come close to the toddler who was served an alcoholic beverage at an Applebee's last year, but it still puzzles me. I guess you can just file this one under "How to Irritate Barristas and Score Free Hot Apple Juice".


  1. Id assume shed get it cold. What five year old wants hot juice? Kym

    1. Certainly not one who didn't want hot cider! Thanks for reading, Kym!

  2. I sometimes get Sam the vanilla bean frapp it has no coffee in it. One of the barristas once said that I would be surprised at how many people order their children coffee. Sad;y, I don't think I would be surprised.

    1. Yikes! That seems like it would make a bad day for me! I've heard that caffeine helps conditions like ADHD, but the sugar content would probably cancel out any benefits as I don't think I could convince my child to drink it black. My mom is a flight attendant and she says that mothers have asked her to put Mountain Dew in their child's bottle for them......crazy. Thanks for reading, Maura!
